
Redrock Micro EVF announced at half price: $375

At NAB last month a lot of companies showed their working or not yet working Electronic ViewFinders. Very useful additions to our dslr video beasts as they will make fancy, frontheavy rigs obsolete, give us a higher resolution eyepiece display and possibly even do hdmi loopthrough for 3rd party monitoring.

So far these amazing tools were priced between $750 and up to over $1000 dollars, but it seems like the new lowest price has just been set down to as low as $375! Keep in mind that that’s about the price of a good lcd loupe alone…

There is no release date for said evf yet, but Redrock Micro’s Brian Valente, who was first to announce an EVF by the way, says that the other companies are“all seeming to add features to justify a price of $750 or even more”
and “to us, that runs counter to the idea of HDSLRs and democratizing high production value. Something different needs to happen” and laid out their production stage as “(…) going back to the designs to see how we can produce high quality for around $350-375 target. It would be a minor miracle, but that’s what we’re working on.”

Brian, we need your evf and we need it now, or soon, but please hurry.

via planet5D

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