
House DOP Gale Tattersall To Teach HD DSLR Workshops.

November 2nd, 2010 Jump to Comment Section


House DOP Gale Tattersall will be teaching a HDSLR Master Class this month. The classes will run each Saturday for the entire month of November. According to the email I received space is extremely limited. It is not cheap at $1200 for the workshop. I dig the idea of breaking it up into four weekends, this novel approach could work well for students. Here is a rip from the site. Click here for more info.

“At HD DSLR Workshops we inspire as well as educate. Our students leave with new Tools and the Vision with which to use them. This is accomplished not in a typically cookie cutter intensive and overloaded weekend, but a carefully constructed and evolving course, layered over a period of a month of four consecutive Saturdays; this allows retention of information, a gradual absorption, and time for the individual to question and complete ‘homework’ assignments at their own pace.”

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