
ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model Starts at €50K & Adds Flexible Feature Licenses, Lower-Cost Media

January 28th, 2025 Jump to Comment Section 14
ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model Starts at €50K & Adds Flexible Feature Licenses, Lower-Cost Media

ARRI just introduced an ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model that has the same exact hardware as the original ALEXA 35 (now called ALEXA 35 Premium Model) but is missing several software features such as open-gate shooting for anamorphic production, ARRIRAW or 120 fps recording. A more affordable version of a Codex Drive, the Codex Compact Drive Express, was also introduced, which can only record ProRes.

ARRI cameras have always targeted high-end productions and their pricing structure has reflected that. Their much-lauded ARRI ALEXA 35, which tops our Lab Test results in our Camera Databases for dynamic range and exposure latitude results, was no exception. The camera, which was introduced over 2.5 years ago (can you believe it?), has proved to be extremely popular after its introduction, basically featuring the only “really” new sensor (ALEV 4) in a Super35 ARRI in over 10 years. After a very strong period of preorders after its release from rental houses and production companies alike, ARRI – like many others in the high-end cinema sector – faced a wave of canceled orders when the writers’ and actors’ strikes hit the industry very hard. The sharp decline in production also caused big streamers to cut costs.

How to drop the price without dropping the price …

After the initial success and the undoubted quality that the ALEXA 35 delivers, ARRI was probably looking for ways to get more units of their arguably most modern camera out of the door. Not an easy task considering ARRI is known for “never dropping prices” in order to keep the resale value high (which, arguably, is a noble thing to do for your customers when they purchase a very expensive product giving them the certainty that the resale value will remain high, thus building customer trust). You can see the conundrum here.

ARRI found a very elegant solution: The new ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model has the same exact hardware as the existing model (now called “ARRI ALEXA 35 Premium Model”) – except for a blue-colored jog wheel. That being said, when it comes to software, the differences are significant.

ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model licenses. Image source: ARRI

ALEXA 35 Base Model: license the features you need, when you need them

The idea is that beyond the core features of the camera, users only add the features they need for the production at hand, so on a temporary basis.

These features are not included in the ALEXA 35 Base Model and can be licensed individually on a weekly, monthly, yearly, or permanent basis:

  • 120 fps for high-frame-rate shooting (the Base Model can only shoot 60 fps by default)
  • ARRIRAW recording (the Base Model will only record ProRes by default)
  • Open Gate / Anamorphic modes to use the full 4.6K sensor area in various modes (by default, only 16:9 and 2:1 spherical formats are supported in the Base Model)
  • Pre-Record feature for up to 20 seconds of buffered pre-recording before the record button is pressed
  • “Look” feature for in-camera ARRI Textures, the ARRI Look Library, and Custom Color Management

If all five licenses are installed, the ALEXA 35 Base Model will have all the features that the Premium Mode has. What’s nice to hear is that if you choose to purchase all five of them permanently, you won’t pay more than the full price of the ALEXA 35 Premium Model. That means that there is no permanent downside to purchasing the Base Model as it’s possible to upgrade to a fully-featured camera without having to spend more in the long run (unless, of course, temporary licenses are being purchased before deciding on permanent ones).

ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model with blue jogwheel alongside the new Codex Compact Drive Express 1TB. Image credit: ARRI

New ARRI Shop is now easier to use

ARRI says they revamped the backend of their ARRI Shop making it easier to purchase the different licenses for the ALEXA 35 Base Model. They also removed the requirement for licenses to be purchased by the camera owner, a change that will bring relief to many rental houses, as production companies can now handle the purchases directly. For example, when a production company rents an ALEXA 35 for a month for a feature film shoot, they can simply get an available Base Model, and then install the licenses they need for those 30 days, without having to get the rental house involved.

ARRI ALEXA 35 Base Model. Image source: ARRI

ALEXA 35 Base Model: 8 sets in 3 categories available

For the new ALEXA 35 Base Model, ARRI offers 8 different sets in three categories: Base Entry Sets, Base Operator Sets, and Base Production Sets. The lowest-cost set sets you back €49,800, considerably less than their previously most affordable ALEXA 35 offering.

More affordable Codex drive for ALEXA 35 Base Model introduced

The comparatively high price point of the required Codex drives to be able to use an ALEXA 35 has also been addressed, as Codex introduces a new Codex Compact Drive Express 1TB. Though the cut in costs is around 40% compared to the Codex Compact Drive 1TB, it only records ProRes instead of ARRIRAW. The only visual differentiator between the drives is a white instead of an orange ring. According to the press release, they both have the same write speeds and fps range, which makes me doubt any hardware differences at all, so this could well be an artificial firmware limitation in the drive to prevent ARRIRAW recording…

Is this the “budget ARRI” many have waited for?

Is this the “budget ARRI camera” that many filmmakers have longed for, for a very long time? Hardly. But it’s a smart way to make the ALEXA 35 a little more accessible to a broader base of filmmakers at a time when budgets are shrinking. However, it might make it easier for some higher-end production to justify the expense of a b-camera ALEXA 35.

Learn more on ARRI’s website.

What’s your take? Let us know in the comments below.


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