
Auto Reframe For Premiere Pro CC Intelligently Edits Footage For Social Video Formats

September 15th, 2019 Jump to Comment Section 2

Auto Reframe intelligently reframes your footage or sequence to social media aspect rations, coming soon to Adobe Premiere Pro.

Ever had a client request 9:16 or 1:1 aspect ratio videos after you shot standard 16:9 landscape? Yep me too.

In this latest update, if you are editing a vertical or square aspect ratio sequence that has 16:9 footage, the process of changing the aspect ratio is very simple. You can drag and drop the Auto Reframe tool onto clips in the timeline, and the tool will dynamically adjust the position and movement of the footage to keep the action in the centre of the frame.

Keyframes can be adjusted to be slower, faster depending on the type of action in the video clip, or removed all together.

Reframe Your Sequences For Social Media Formats


The process is even simpler with sequences, as the Auto Reframe tool can create a new sequence with the desired aspect ratio (square, vertical etc). The reframing will be applied to all the clips in the sequence, again keeping the most important content in the centre of the frame.

For lots of action, the motion preset may need to be fast, or for slower movements or content the movement may be slow or static. As the movement is keyframed, it is very simple to adjust or remove the movement.

Video clips and graphics are independently resized and moved for the different aspect ratios, meaning time isn’t wasted by then adjusting the position or keyframing of text or effects. This also reduces the time needed to edit for different social platforms too.

Best of all, this tool is non-destructive; as an effect the tool can be turned on or off. The tool creates duplicate sequences, or you can choose to nest pre-edited clips too.

Auto Reframe for Adobe Premiere Pro CC is coming soon (no details on release date yet), so we will keep you updated when the feature will be included in the next version of Premiere Pro CC. It will, however, be interesting to see how well Adobe Sensei functions to isolate the action and put what we see in the demonstration video to practice. Will the footage need to have high contrast, or only feature one piece of action for it to work?

Have you been in a situation where Auto Reframe would have saved the day? Will you be updating Premiere Pro CC when Auto Reframe is included? Let us know in the comments.


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