Adobe just announced a new feature coming to Photoshop called Live Co-Editing. It will enable creators to work on the same projects simultaneously by accessing and editing Photoshop files from different computers. At the moment, the new collaboration workflow is available only in private beta. More details about Photoshop’s Live Co-Editing feature follow below.
Although graphic software has little to do with filmmaking, many of us–content creators and video producers–take care of thumbnails, posters, and other graphic materials for videos ourselves. Even if not, the announced Live Co-Editing feature in Photoshop promises users smoother, faster, and more seamless collaboration with designers and clients.
Photoshop’s Live Co-Editing: how will it work?
According to Adobe’s announcement post, it’s quite simple. By clicking the “Share” button, Photoshop users will get an option to turn on Live Co-Editing and invite fellow collaborators via a dedicated link. Until now, the famous graphic software hasn’t offered anything similar for instant feedback, tweaks in real time, multi-user workflows, and streamlining communication. As developers note, the creative community highly requested such a feature, and now, it’s finally here!

Possible application examples
Above all, Live Co-Editing in Photoshop will be an extremely useful feature for large teams of graphic designers using Adobe software. Multiple creators will have the opportunity to work on the same project in real time and split the tasks to achieve faster and more efficient results (similar to what UI designers do in Figma, Adobe’s competitor, which is widely used for website prototypes).
Additionally, the new workflow offers a significant improvement in areas that rely on supporting graphics, as it simplifies the process of gathering client feedback. Imagine you need a film poster and can go through the first version with a designer together, add your comments, view the edits without continuous feedback emails, and not wait too long. Amazing, huh?
As Adobe’s announcement suggests, Live Co-Editing also holds potential for educational applications:
Students can follow along live as an educator demonstrates and teaches techniques in Photoshop. A teacher can make comments and suggest or make edits in a student’s document to enhance learning.
A quote from the announcement post
Apart from Live Co-Editing in Photoshop
In autumn, Photoshop released several other useful features, some of which are still in beta. Among them is an enhanced Remove Tool, which can now help remove people, wires, poles, and other distracting elements from images with one click.

Another addition is a so-called Generative Workspace (available for trying out in Photoshop Beta). It not only allows users to generate images and try out different creative concepts, but also offers them more precise control over the results (using reference images, for example).
Availability: in beta
Live Co-Editing has also entered the private beta test phase today. Developers want to gather the community’s feedback before they make the new feature publicly available. Adobe Creative Cloud users (with a paid Photoshop subscription) can sign up here to test drive it in Photoshop desktop (Beta) and web apps.
What do you think about the new Live Co-Editing feature? How can it become useful in your projects? Share your ideas with us in the comments below!
Feature image source: Adobe.